Inclusive Talent Apprentice Program

Currently accepting applications for April 2025 Apprenticeships

Our application process is underway for our April 2025 apprenticeship session. The deadline to apply for the six spots available this session, is February 17, 2024. If you are interested in applying for the program or learning more please contact us at

Check out this video featuring two of our former apprentices, who accepted full-time positions with Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana!

Our Inclusive Talent Apprenticeship program presents an excellent opportunity for individuals with disabilities to prepare for lucrative careers in manufacturing.

The primary objective of our Inclusive Talent initiative is to guide apprentices through comprehensive training, ultimately leading to successful employment. Since the program’s initiation in September 2020, more than 20 individuals have completed their apprenticeships and received job offers. Although our ultimate goal is for every apprentice to secure full-time employment with their host site, we acknowledge that relocation may not be feasible for everyone, especially those from other parts of the state or different states. Therefore, we welcome apprentices who aim to acquire the essential manufacturing skills and subsequently seek employment with an employer in their home region.

Basic Information

  • 12-weeks paid apprenticeship
  • Paired with a mentor at host site for all training and support needs
  • Live at Hampton Inn in Princeton (click link to check it out)
  • Transportation provided if apprentice doesn’t drive
  • Weekly Independent Living Skills class
    • Organization, Budgeting, Goal Setting, Mindfulness, Dining Etiquette, Building Healthy Relationships, Communication, How to Deal with Stress, etc.
  • Weekly lunch meetings to discuss progress / next steps for current goals
  • Follow along support after successful apprenticeship
  • Letters of support / completion can be sent if apprentice is not local and will return home to find employment after successful completion


Deadline to apply is two months prior to the start of the apprenticeship.

Individuals interested in the program should complete the Inclusive Talent Application (linked below) and email a digital copy of the completed application to . After receiving a completed application, the Inclusive Talent program staff will schedule a interview, either in-person or online, depending on current circumstances.

A copy of the Inclusive Talent Assessment (linked below) will need to be completed by your VR Job Coach, Pre-ETS Career Coach / Teacher of Record, current Agency Director or Case Manager. The assessment can be turned in after the initial interview, but must be submitted within 2 weeks after the initial interview. It can be mailed to the address below, or scanned to

The Arc Southwest Indiana
ATTN: Inclusive Talent
PO Box 5
Princeton, IN 47670

Our Story!

The Arc Southwest Indiana has partnered with Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana (TMMI) since 2014, fostering meaningful employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Our latest initiative, the Inclusive Talent Apprenticeship, establishes a model aimed at enhancing business performance by both recruiting and retaining workers with disabilities and providing them apprenticeships in manufacturing.

Each apprenticeship within the program offers diverse skill sets customized to individual interests, all spanning a twelve-week duration regardless of placement. The comprehensive program encompasses benefits counseling, referrals to drivers’ training and education, self-advocacy, dining etiquette, and access to life and career mentors. Social activities are tailored based on the skills an apprentice needs to develop or advance.

This collaborative effort not only benefits individuals with disabilities but also local employers, offering a broader talent pool and facilitating gainful employment. The program extends beyond immediate employment, aiming to propel individuals towards higher-paying careers with excellent benefits. Such career advancements can contribute to greater independence, potentially reducing reliance on disability benefits. Given that manufacturing stands as the leading employer in Indiana and the United States, it serves as an ideal industry for successful apprenticeship placements, aligning with the broader goal of finding gainful employment.

Throughout the apprenticeship, participants acquire valuable work skills, positioning them for potential job offers from Toyota’s vendors/suppliers or allowing them to carry their certificate of completion to their intended post-apprenticeship residence. This holistic approach underscores the program’s commitment to not only facilitating employment but also empowering individuals to thrive in their chosen careers.

Session Information

  • 3 Sessions per year
    • Winter Session (January start date)
    • Spring Session (April start date)
    • Summer Session (August/September start date)

Current Program Outcomes

  • 95% offered full time employment
  • 94% accepted position
  • 82% employed at 6 months
  • 75% employed at 1 year
  • 67% employed at 2 years
  • $22.95 + benefits current average wage


Please reach out to for the apprentice application and assessment.
