Pre-Employment Transition Services Annual Report
The Arc Southwest Indiana Pre-ETS program started serving high school students with disabilities at Princeton, Gibson Southern, Wood Memorial, North Posey and Pike Central High Schools in 2017. The program is designed to help these students successfully transition from high school to their next path of choice. We work on multitude of different skills and projects, depending on the specific need of the students. These activities include researching and touring colleges, filling out a FAFSA, creating resumes, work place readiness and soft skills, mock interviews and other goals the students have. Our focus on manufacturing simulation is continuing to develop and evolve, allowing students interested in manufacturing employment. This gives the students a chance to learn how to use a pick list with several different shape/colored items and wearing proper PPE such as safety glasses and gloves.
Our summer program continues to grow! The summer help and learn program allows individuals to gain critical and transferable work skills that will help set them apart from others when applying for jobs in the future. We spend time at Azalea Path, where they help set up for wedding and receptions, plant a variety of plants and take visitors on tours. At Lyles Station we plant vegetable and flowers garden and they have a vegetable stand where they sell vegetables at the end of the summer. They also take busloads of students on tours of the school and grounds.
Stephanie Brown
Pre-ETS Coach